"Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD" Psalms 127:3

Saturday, November 12, 2011

34 weeks

I went to the doctor about a week ago for my 34 week appointment.  Everything is looking good and we'll find out if I'm progressing any at our appointment next week.  I gained "about a pound" according to the nurse.  I would have been okay if she had said, we'll just say you haven't gained any since the scale was teetering back and forth, but NO...she gave me that pound.  That being said, I've gained 23 lbs.  The baby's HR was 149.  I got a major stomach bug several days after this appointment that put me under for most of the weekend.  Having the stomach bug at 34 weeks pregnant is not great.  I felt so bad for this little one!  On another note, I finally took a belly shot......

I'm still feeling great and exercising.  Will is keeping me busy so I don't have time to think about how tired I really am!  I joke that I will get better sleep when this baby is born as opposed to the quality of sleep I am getting now.  Won't be long now.......

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