We finally got into the doctor Tuesday for our one year check up. All looks good in Will's World. He's growing and is healthy. That's all we can ask for.
Height: 31in (off the charts)...YAY! Hope he gets those Dodson genes.
Weight: 23lbs 5 oz (above average)
Head Circumference is about average
At one, Will can squat (while holding on to something), sit on his knees, stand on his own, and take 4-5 steps at a time. He's no walker yet. He definitely prefers crawling.
Will has found his tongue. He loves to stick it out, loves to make noise with it, and loves to play with it. He thinks it's the funniest thing.
We've turned his car seat around. I didn't really want to do this yet, but Pat insisted, so we did. Will seems to be much happier now!
Will LOVES the bath! He SCREAMS every night when we take him out of the bathtub. I think he'd stay in there all day if I let him.
He is the best sleeper. He used to go down about 8, but ever since he turned one, he prefers to go down about 7:15. He sleeps at least 12 hours on the weekends, if not more. We are so blessed to have such a great sleeper. He's also the easiest kid to get to sleep. One little song, a prayer, and Will is off to dreamland. Lay him down, turn off the lights and done! SO EASY!
Goodbye Formula, Hello Whole Milk! I love saving $15 a week! Will seemed to have no problem with the switch and will take the milk from a bottle or a cup. I think this summer I'll get rid of those bottles altogether!
Being one is great! I miss my baby, but I sure do love my toddler. He's so much fun and has so much energy. He always keeps us on our toes and we wouldn't have it any other way.
(Sorry, no pictures this post....I didn't take any at the doctor's office, but we go Monday for our Professional one year pics.....stay tuned!)