I know I am a little behind in getting this posted, but since school has started back I haven't had time to do anything. It's hard to go back to work after being off since Feb. 26th! Oh well, I will manage. I love Will's school and he does too, so that makes life easier.
Here are some stats of Will at 5 mo:
-Weighs 18 lbs. I know this because Will was sick for the very first time at the beginning of August and we had to take him in to the doctor.
-Found his feet and loves to grab them all the time.
-Is easier to feed, Peaches are definitely a favorite food!
-Is teething like crazy. I think a tooth will bust through soon!
-Loves his Jumperoo. It's one of the best things we have.
-Has been to the ocean and loved it! We still go swimming once a week to keep him "interested" in the water. Hopefully we'll be able to keep that up during the winter time.
-Is definitely interested in the world around him. He grabs for things all the time and rarely stops moving! He is a kicker. Miss Julie, at day care, jokes that Will has already run 5 miles before 9 am. He is ALWAYS moving!
-At 5.5 months, Will can sit up on his own.
After church, August 1, 2010. Will is 5 months old!
I'm too big for my seat!
I love my Jumperoo!
On Saturday mornings, I nap with Daddy!
Splish Splash
I love to sit on my Daddy's shoulders.
Happy Baby!